Tuesday, March 22, 2005

"Creating a Color Palette"

Color Harmony is all around you.

Nature by design enraptures you in its color harmony...

"Orange Flower" Color Scheme

I took this picture while walking up the mountain. I was captivated by the vivid yellows and oranges, which contrasted beautifully with the greens and the sparse naturals and browns.

The process
After I imported the photo into Adobe Illustrator 10.0, I was able to use ColorPic to color-grab colors from the photo and create the four-color palette. It was quicker than using the eye-dropper in Adobe Illustrator. There are considerably more colors within the photo but I limited my choice. The graphic art was then done with Adobe Illustrator 10.0. Simple, yet effective. I'll be posting more of these kinds of color palettes in the future.

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